I they were born in Naples in 1958 I have begun to
play the guitar to the eight year-old age. Grown in a family of musicians I
have had notable musical experiences both in Italy and to the foreign
countries also participating in different radio broadcasts and television to
national diffusion. He has played overall together with my brothers
musical "Group of Family" and I have held concerts with different artists of
national fame. I have collaborated to the realization of
record recordings, also for the foreign market, both for myself and for
other artists also taking care of often the arrangements of it. I have
graduated in guitar in 1988. After the diploma I have devoted to the
teaching to the composition and the study of the mandolin and the Neapolitan
classical song. Musically I have collaborated with with Peppino di
Capri, Antonello Rondi, Valentina Stella, Orchestra Calace, Mimmo di France,
Antonio Sinagra, Tonino Esposito, Tony Iglio, Pinuccio Pirazzoli, Depsa,
Gianni Aterrano, Antonio Coletti, Olimpia di Maio, Giulio Adinolfi, Oscar di
Maio, Ida Rendano, Mario da Vinci, Mirna Doris, Gennaro Cannavacciuolo,
Rosaria De Cicco, Franco Castiglia, Salvatore Misticone, Salvatore Meola, Enzo
Castaldo, Bruno Garofalo and so many other artists. I
have worked with various Italian theaters (theater Daylight, Politeama, Totò,
Sannazzaro, Bolivar, Trianon, of the Palms in Naples; theater Quirino in Rome;
theater of the Arts of Salerno; theater Garibaldi of S.M.Capua Vetere). I
have taken part to some theatrical shows "Novecento Napoletano (Nine hundred Neapolitan)" of Lello
Scarano with to the regal one of Bruno Garofalo and "I Pescatori (The Fishermen)" of Raffaele Viviani with the regal one of Giulio Adinolfi. I have collaborated
with the center Rai in Rome and Naples. I collaborate with different
television broadcasting stations (Canale 21 (Channel 21), Tele Capri (Cloths Capri),
Tele A (Cloths A),
Tele A+ (Cloths A+), Tele Akery (Cloths Akery). In the month of January 2010
I have been
inserted in her
Enciclopedia Illustrata della Canzone Napoletana” (Illustrated New Enciclopedia of the Neapolitan Song) of Pietro Gargano to the page
135 and to the page
148. Besides I are
reviewed as author and musician in the sonorous file multimediale of the RAI
I Remove Italian Television (www.canzonenapoletana.rai.it). Currently,
besides developing the activity of musician, I teach music and computer
To all the impassioned of music,
Neapolitan music and music jazz suggestion to consult all the pages web of
my site.